The Role of Digital and Print Media in Enhancing Literacy and Reading Culture in Africa

ADEA, 2016

A Comparative Study on the Role of Digital Media and Print Media in Enhancing Literacy and Reading Culture in Africa

Commissioned by ADEA Working Group on Books and Learning Materials, Dec. 2016

The research draws attention to the fact that as the number of printed books is expanding to reach a variety of audiences, with a range of topics and knowledge; electronic publishing (e-pub) is equally expanding rapidly. The two options are now available to publishers and the choice of a publisher will depend on a number of factors such as the cost, objectives and the prevailing circumstances. Numerous reports indicate that many pupils and students go through primary and secondary school without acquiring sufficient reading skills that can help them secure a good future in the world of work, which subsequently culminate into National Development.

This report recommends that since technology will not replace reading in the near future, it is imperative to use the technology to enhance it. Reading on paper will always remain important and enjoyable and this means that the printed book will never lose its value and importance. It is fundamental that parents, teachers and other stakeholders come together to cultivate and nurture a love of reading especially among children and assist in making reading a lifetime habit. Publishing houses are encouraged to keep up with technological developments and produce content that meets the needs of readers, specifically addressing their ever- changing demands while harnessing the value of printed books.